Are you looking to implement the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) within your organization? If so, understanding and following a detailed implementation roadmap is essential for success. Knowing what steps need to be taken, who is responsible for each step, and when tasks should be completed can help ensure the process goes smoothly without any roadblocks or delays. In this blog post, weā€™ll discuss the SAFe implementation roadmap ā€“ from start to finish – and provide you with useful tips throughout that will help guide you as you embark on your organizational transformation journey.

SAFeĀ® (Scaled Agile Framework) Implementation Roadmap

When implementing SAFe, it is important to have a roadmap that lays out the implementation steps. This roadmap should include a timeline for each step and account for any risks or challenges that may arise during the process.The first step in developing an effective SAFe Implementation Roadmap is to identify your organization’s Agile transformation goals and objectives. Once these are determined, you can begin creating a plan outlining the steps needed to reach those goals. This plan should include activities such as training, adoption of Agile principles, forming Scrum teams and establishing Iteration planning cycles.

The plan should also outline how long each activity will take and potential risks/challenges associated with them. Once a plan has been created, the next step is to establish a timeline for each activity. For example, if training staff on Agile principles will take eight weeks, then this should be set as a timeline for that activity. Additionally, any risks associated with each activity should be identified and addressed in the plan so that they can be addressed quickly if encountered during implementation.

Finally, feedback loops should also be established within the roadmap so that progress can be tracked throughout the process. By following this roadmap, you can ensure your organization’s SAFe Implementation is successful and efficient. By considering all potential risks and challenges ahead of time in the planning stages and establishing clear timelines, your team will have everything it needs to succeed when implementing SAFe. With the right planning and preparation, your Agile transformation can be successful.

12 Steps in the SAFeĀ® (Scaled Agile Framework) Implementation Roadmap

  • Step 1: Establish the Lean-Agile Mindset
    The first step in implementing SAFe is to embrace the lean-agile mindset, which includes having an understanding of Agile principles and values, as well as an understanding of how to apply Lean thinking. It’s important to note that all team members must be on board with this way of thinking and actively promote it.
  • Step 2: Get Executive Support
    Getting buy-in from senior leaders is essential for the successful implementation of SAFe. When executives understand and recognize the benefits of adopting a Lean-Agile approach, they can provide resources, guidance, funding, and most importantly ā€“ visible commitment.
  • Step 3: Assess Commitment and Readiness
    The next step is to assess the team’s commitment and readiness for a Lean-Agile transformation. This assessment looks at the organization’s current culture, values, processes, and tools to determine the potential impact of adopting SAFe.
  • Step 4: Assemble an Implementation Team
    Once commitment and readiness have been assessed, itā€™s time to assemble a core implementation team. This team should include representatives from all parts of the organization that will be affected by the SAFe rollout. They should also have some experience in software development so they can understand how their changes will affect teams on the ground.
  • Step 5: Define Your Initial ā€œTrain-the-Trainerā€ Curriculum
    To ensure the successful adoption of SAFe across the organization, itā€™s important to define a robust training curriculum. This should include both classroom-style sessions and self-paced learning modules. The key is to provide enough information for all participants so they can understand the concepts but also make sure it isnā€™t too overwhelming.
  • Step 6: Train the Leadership Team
    After defining an appropriate curriculum, the next step is to train the leadership team. SAFe requires strong leadership buy-in in order to be successful, so this step is critical. The training should cover all aspects of Agile/Scaled Agile principles and practices as well as how these principles apply to their specific roles.
  • Step 7: Plan Your Pilot Program
    A pilot program allows you to gain valuable insights into how SAFe works in practice. The pilot program should be defined as a set of experiments that involve multiple teams with varying degrees of success. This enables you to tweak the implementation plan and fine tune it for more successful outcomes.
  • Step 8: Train Practitioners
    Once the leadership team is trained, the next step is to train practitioners ā€“ those who will actually be implementing SAFe on a daily basis. This training should cover all aspects of Agile/Scaled Agile principles, practices, and tools so they are prepared to use them effectively.
  • Step 9: Review Your Practices
    Next, you will need to review your current practices, processes, and tooling to ensure that theyā€™re in line with whatā€™s needed for the SAFe implementation. This will involve making changes to ensure that teams are following the right processes, using the right tools, and embracing the right culture.
  • Step 10: Create Metrics
    Now itā€™s time to create metrics for measuring success. These should be tailored to your organizationā€™s goals and objectives so you can track progress and make necessary adjustments as needed.
  • Step 11: Execute Your Implemented Plan
    Once everything is in place, itā€™s time to execute your implemented plan. This should include additional training as needed, tracking of metrics, regular reviews of practices and process implementations, continuous improvement initiatives, etc.
  • Step 12: Celebrate Success
    The final step is to celebrate success! Take a moment to recognize all the hard work that went into the SAFe implementation. Celebrating success will help to motivate teams and ensure a successful long-term adoption of the practice. Implementing SAFe is an exciting journey with many steps along the way.

By following these 12 steps, youā€™ll be well on your way to successfully implementing SAFe in your organization. Good luck!

Best Courses to Learn SAFeĀ® (Scaled Agile Framework) Implementation

Learning how to properly implement SAFeĀ® (Scaled Agile Framework) into your organization can be daunting, but with the right courses, it can be much more attainable and easy to understand. Some of the popular SAFe courses at AgileFever are listed below:-


The SAFe Implementation roadmap is a great guide for companies looking to implement or improve their agile process using the SAFe framework. By following these steps, you can ensure a successful implementation that meets your specific needs and goals.