SAFe 6.0: A Game-Changer for Scaled Agile Organizations

Professionals collaborating in a conference room, reviewing the SAFe 6.0 framework on a digital screen.

Key Highlights

  • SAFe 6.0 introduces significant changes to enhance business agility and improve the flow of value in scaled Agile organizations.
  • The new version focuses on the Seven Core Competencies of SAFe, including Lean-Agile Leadership, Team and Technical Agility, Agile Product Delivery, Enterprise Solution Delivery, Lean Portfolio Management, Organizational Agility, and Continuous Learning Culture.
  • Role names have been changed in SAFe 6.0 to improve clarity and alignment, such as renaming the Scrum Master role to Scrum Master/Agile Team Coach.
  • Event names have also been updated to improve clarity and better reflect the purpose of each event, such as renaming the System Demo event to Solution Demo.
  • SAFe 6.0 introduces a simplified framework with fewer roles, artifacts, and ceremonies, making it easier for organizations to adopt and scale Agile practices.
  • The new version emphasizes Business Agility, Strategic Agility, and alignment between Business and IT to help organizations respond quickly to market changes and deliver value faster.
  • SAFe 6.0 also introduces the Business Agility Value Stream (BAVS) and the eight properties of flow to accelerate value delivery and enhance the quality and flow of value.
  • Organizations can use the SAFe 6.0 implementation roadmap to guide their transformation journey and overcome common implementation challenges.
  • Upgrading to SAFe 6.0 offers several benefits, including better outcomes, enhanced technical agility, and improved alignment with strategic objectives.


The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) has become the go-to framework for scaling Agile practices in large organizations. With the release of SAFe 6.0, significant changes have been introduced to further enhance the framework and make it even more effective for scaled Agile organizations. SAFe 6.0 focuses on improving business agility, enhancing the flow of value, and aligning business and IT to deliver better outcomes.

SAFe 6.0 builds upon the success of previous versions and introduces key changes to address the evolving needs of enterprises in a rapidly changing marketplace. The new version emphasizes the Seven Core Competencies of SAFe, which are essential for organizations to become Lean-Agile enterprises. These competencies include Lean-Agile Leadership, Team and Technical Agility, Agile Product Delivery, Enterprise Solution Delivery, Lean Portfolio Management, Organizational Agility, and Continuous Learning Culture.

The role names and event names in SAFe 6.0 have been updated to improve clarity and alignment across the framework. This helps organizations better understand the roles and responsibilities within SAFe and facilitates effective collaboration across teams. The framework has also been simplified, making it easier for organizations to adopt and scale Agile practices.

In this blog, we will explore the key highlights of SAFe 6.0, including the enhancements in business agility, the changes in role names and event names, and the benefits of upgrading to SAFe 6.0. We will also discuss the implementation roadmap and how organizations can successfully transition to SAFe 6.0. Let’s dive in and discover how SAFe 6.0 is a game-changer for scaled Agile organizations.

Unveiling SAFe 6.0: An Overview

SAFe 6.0 is the latest version of the Scaled Agile Framework, a comprehensive framework for scaling Agile practices in large organizations. It builds on the principles and practices of Agile methodologies and provides a structured approach to enable organizations to deliver value at scale. SAFe 6.0 introduces significant changes to enhance business agility, improve the flow of value, and align business and IT. It focuses on the Seven Core Competencies of SAFe and provides organizations with a roadmap for Agile transformation.

The Evolution of Scaled Agile Frameworks

Scaled Agile Frameworks, including SAFe, have evolved over the years to address the challenges of scaling Agile practices in large organizations. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, were initially designed for small teams and projects. As organizations started adopting Agile practices at a larger scale, the need for a framework that could facilitate the coordination and alignment of multiple Agile teams arose.

Agile frameworks, including SAFe, have undergone continuous improvement to address the complexities of scaling Agile practices. They provide a structured approach to enable organizations to deliver value at scale, improve collaboration, and enhance the flow of value. SAFe 6.0 is the latest version of the framework and introduces significant changes to further enhance business agility and align organizations with Lean-Agile principles. These changes reflect the ongoing evolution of Agile frameworks and the commitment to continuously improve and adapt to the changing needs of organizations.

Key Highlights of SAFe 6.0

  • SAFe 6.0 focuses on enhancing business agility, enabling organizations to quickly respond to market changes and emerging opportunities.
  • The new version introduces flow accelerators, which are specific practices and techniques to eliminate impediments to the flow of value.
  • SAFe 6.0 emphasizes the importance of lean portfolio management, providing guidance on aligning strategy, prioritizing investments, and optimizing the flow of value.
  • The framework introduces the Business Agility Value Stream (BAVS), which helps organizations minimize time-to-market and deliver maximum value.
  • SAFe 6.0 enhances the flow of value by introducing the eight properties of flow, which provide guidance on accelerating value delivery and improving time-to-market.
  • The new version also simplifies the framework, making it easier for organizations to adopt and scale Agile practices.

The New Lean-Thinking Principles in SAFe 6.0

Lean thinking principles are at the core of SAFe 6.0, guiding organizations towards a Lean-Agile mindset and culture. SAFe 6.0 introduces five new lean-thinking principles, which build upon the foundation of the previous version. These principles emphasize the importance of alignment, transparency, respect for people, relentless improvement, and continuous learning culture. The new version of SAFe encourages organizations to embrace these principles and create a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. By aligning with these principles, organizations can enhance their ability to deliver value at scale and thrive in a rapidly changing marketplace.

From House of Lean to Five Core Principles

SAFe 6.0 replaces the House of Lean with five new core principles derived from the book “Lean Thinking” by James P Womack and Daniel T. Jones. The House of Lean represented the tenets of Lean Thinking, but in SAFe 6.0, these principles are embodied and amplified throughout the framework. The five new core principles focus on strategic alignment, lean portfolio management, continuous learning culture, and the eight properties of flow. By embracing these core principles, organizations can align their strategies with business outcomes, optimize their portfolio investments, and create a culture of continuous improvement and learning. The shift from the House of Lean to the core principles in SAFe 6.0 highlights the importance of strategic alignment and the Lean-Agile mindset in delivering value at scale.

Implications for Agile Teams and Leaders

SAFe 6.0 introduces changes in role names and functions for Agile teams and leaders. The new version emphasizes the importance of agile leadership and the role of the team coach in facilitating the adoption of Agile practices. The role of the Scrum Master has been expanded to include coaching and facilitating not only the Agile team but also the Agile Release Train (ART) and the larger organization. The role of the Agile Team Lead has been renamed to Agile Team Coach, reflecting the focus on coaching and developing the Agile team. These changes in role names and functions in SAFe 6.0 highlight the importance of collaboration, continuous improvement, and leadership in achieving the goals of Agile teams and scaling Agile practices in organizations.

Core Values Transformation in SAFe 6.0

SAFe 6.0 brings a transformation in core values, emphasizing the importance of a culture of continuous improvement at the enterprise level. The four core values in SAFe 5.0 have been replaced with new values: Alignment, Transparency, Respect for people, and Relentless improvement. These new core values reflect the need for alignment and collaboration across the organization, as well as the importance of continuous improvement in driving better outcomes. By embracing these core values, organizations can foster a culture of learning, innovation, and collaboration, which are crucial for success in a scaled Agile environment.

What’s New in the Core Values?

The new core values in SAFe 6.0 bring a renewed focus on strategic objectives and creating a safe organization. Alignment as a core value emphasizes the need for teams and stakeholders to work together towards common goals and objectives. Transparency promotes open communication and visibility of information, enabling better decision-making and collaboration. Respect for people highlights the importance of a safe and inclusive work environment, where individuals are valued for their contributions and ideas. Relentless improvement emphasizes the need for continuous learning, innovation, and striving for better outcomes. By embracing these core values, organizations can create a culture that supports collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement, leading to better business results and customer satisfaction.

Impact on Organizational Culture and Collaboration

SAFe 6.0 has a significant impact on organizational culture and collaboration. The emphasis on core values such as Alignment, Transparency, and Respect for people fosters a culture of collaboration and open communication. This enables teams to work together more effectively towards common goals and objectives. The introduction of the Business Agility Value Stream (BAVS) also promotes cross-functional collaboration and a focus on delivering value to customers. At the team level, the expanded role of the Team Coach emphasizes the importance of coaching and facilitating collaboration within Agile teams. Overall, SAFe 6.0 encourages a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and learning, which are essential for successful Agile transformations at the organizational level.

Enhancements in Quality and Flow

SAFe 6.0 introduces enhancements in quality and flow, focusing on delivering value to customers faster and with higher quality. The importance of quality is embedded as a dimension of the Team and Technical Agility core competency. SAFe 6.0 emphasizes the need for a culture of continuous improvement and building quality into every step of the development process. The flow of value is also a key focus in SAFe 6.0, with the introduction of the eight properties of flow. These properties provide accelerators for eliminating impediments to flow and enabling faster value delivery. By embracing these enhancements, organizations can improve the speed, quality, and efficiency of their value delivery processes.

Building Quality into Every Step

Building quality into every step of the development process is a key focus of SAFe 6.0. SAFe 6.0 emphasizes the importance of continuous integration and a continuous delivery pipeline. Continuous integration enables teams to integrate their work frequently, reducing the risk of integration issues and ensuring that the software is always in a releasable state. A continuous delivery pipeline provides an automated and streamlined process for delivering software to production. By building quality into every step, teams can ensure that the software is tested, validated, and ready for deployment at any point in time. This results in faster delivery of value to customers and higher customer satisfaction.

Facilitating Flow in Value Delivery

SAFe 6.0 introduces value stream management and flow accelerators to facilitate the flow of value in organizations. Value stream management focuses on improving the flow of work across the entire value stream, from idea to delivery. It enables organizations to identify bottlenecks and remove impediments to flow, resulting in faster value delivery and reduced time-to-market. SAFe 6.0 also introduces eight flow accelerators, which are specific practices and techniques that can help organizations accelerate the flow of value. By embracing value stream management and flow accelerators, organizations can improve the speed and efficiency of their value delivery processes, ultimately leading to better business outcomes.

Adjustments in Roles and Responsibilities

SAFe 6.0 introduces adjustments in role names and responsibilities to improve clarity and alignment across the framework. Role names such as System Architect/Eng (SA) have been simplified to System Architect and Solution Architect. The Scrum Master role has been expanded to include the responsibilities of a Team Coach. The SPC role (SAFe Program Consultant) has been renamed to SAFe Practise Consultant to prevent confusion with waterfall program managers. These adjustments ensure that role names and responsibilities are consistent and clear, enabling better collaboration and understanding across the organization.

Changes in Role Names and Functions

SAFe 6.0 introduces changes in role names and functions to improve clarity and alignment across the framework. The role of the Scrum Master has been expanded to include the responsibilities of a Team Coach, reflecting the importance of coaching and facilitation in Agile teams. The Product Manager role has been renamed to Product Owner, aligning it with the Scrum framework and emphasizing ownership of the product backlog. These changes ensure that role names and functions are consistent and understood across the organization, enabling better collaboration and alignment between teams.

Introducing New Roles for Enhanced Agility

SAFe 6.0 introduces new roles to enhance agility and improve collaboration within Agile teams. These new roles include the Agile Team Coach, who focuses on coaching and facilitating the Agile team, and the Value Stream Engineer, who focuses on improving the flow of work across the value stream. The Agile Team Coach helps teams improve their Agile practices and fosters a culture of continuous improvement. The Value Stream Engineer focuses on eliminating bottlenecks and improving the efficiency of value delivery. By introducing these new roles, SAFe 6.0 aims to enhance agility and collaboration within Agile teams, ultimately leading to better business outcomes.

Revisions in Events and Terminology

SAFe 6.0 introduces revisions in event names and terminology to improve clarity and alignment across the framework. For example, the Scrum of Scrums event is now called Coach Sync, reflecting its purpose of facilitating communication and collaboration among Scrum Masters and other team members. The System Demo event is now called Solution Demo, emphasizing the demonstration of solution elements that span multiple systems and teams. These revisions ensure that event names and terminology are consistent and understood across the organization, enabling better collaboration and alignment between teams.

Event Names and Their New Meanings

SAFe 6.0 introduces changes in event names to improve clarity and alignment across the framework. The Scrum of Scrums event is now called Coach Sync, where all Scrum Masters and team coaches meet to facilitate communication and collaboration. The Daily Standup Meeting is now called Team Sync Meeting, emphasizing the synchronization and alignment of the Agile team. The System Demo event is now called Solution Demo, highlighting the demonstration of solution elements that span multiple systems and teams. These changes in event names ensure that the purpose and focus of each event are clear and understood by all team members, enabling better collaboration and alignment.

Terminological Updates and Their Importance

SAFe 6.0 introduces terminological updates to improve clarity and alignment across the framework. For example, the Scrum of Scrums event is now called Coach Sync, reflecting its purpose of facilitating communication and collaboration among Scrum Masters and team coaches. The terminological updates ensure that the terminology used in SAFe is consistent and understood across the organization, enabling better collaboration and communication. A text table highlighting the terminological updates and their importance is provided below:

Previous Term

Updated Term

Scrum of Scrums

Coach Sync

Daily Standup Meeting

Team Sync Meeting

System Demo

Solution Demo

These terminological updates provide clarity and ensure that teams are using consistent terminology, leading to better communication and collaboration.

SAFe 6.0 and Business Agility

SAFe 6.0 emphasizes business agility and the ability of organizations to quickly adapt to changing market conditions. The introduction of the Business Agility Value Stream (BAVS) highlights the importance of aligning business outcomes with Agile practices. By embracing SAFe 6.0 and focusing on business agility, organizations can respond more effectively to market changes, deliver better business outcomes, and gain a competitive edge. SAFe 6.0 provides the framework and practices needed to enable organizations to thrive in a rapidly changing business environment.

The Business Agility Value Stream (BAVS) Explained

The Business Agility Value Stream (BAVS) is a key concept introduced in SAFe 6.0. It focuses on aligning business outcomes with Agile practices and enables organizations to quickly respond to market changes and emerging opportunities. The BAVS encompasses the entire value stream, from idea to delivery, and emphasizes the need for cross-functional collaboration and value delivery. The introduction of the Value Management Office (VMO) in SAFe 6.0 further supports the BAVS by providing guidance for managing multiple value streams and ensuring the flow of value across the portfolio. By embracing the BAVS and the principles of business agility, organizations can increase their ability to respond to market changes, deliver value to customers, and achieve better business outcomes.

Accelerating Value Flow with Eight Properties

SAFe 6.0 introduces the concept of eight properties of flow, which are specific practices and techniques that can help organizations accelerate the flow of value. These properties provide accelerators for eliminating impediments to flow and enabling faster value delivery. By embracing these properties, organizations can increase the speed and efficiency of their value delivery processes, resulting in faster time-to-market and better customer satisfaction. The properties of flow focus on optimizing the value stream, removing bottlenecks, and improving collaboration and communication. By incorporating these properties into their Agile practices, organizations can achieve faster delivery of value and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Implementing SAFe 6.0: A Roadmap

Implementing SAFe 6.0 requires a well-defined roadmap and a structured approach. The SAFe Implementation Roadmap provides organizations with a step-by-step guide to transitioning to SAFe 6.0. It covers key activities, milestones, and success factors that organizations need to consider during their transformation journey. The implementation roadmap helps organizations plan and execute their transition to SAFe 6.0 in a systematic and organized manner. By following the roadmap, organizations can ensure a successful implementation of SAFe 6.0 and reap the benefits of improved scalability, alignment, and adaptability.

Step-by-Step Guide to Transition

The step-by-step guide to transitioning to SAFe 6.0 provides organizations with a structured approach to implementing the framework. The SAFe Implementation Roadmap outlines key activities and milestones that organizations need to consider during their transition journey. These activities include establishing a guiding coalition, conducting a readiness assessment, and forming Agile Release Trains (ARTs). The implementation roadmap also highlights the importance of continuous learning and improvement throughout the transition process. By following the step-by-step guide, organizations can navigate the complexities of implementing SAFe 6.0 and ensure a successful transition to the new framework.

Overcoming Common Implementation Challenges

Implementing SAFe 6.0 can come with its own set of challenges. Some common implementation challenges include resistance to change, lack of alignment, and difficulties in adopting new practices such as continuous delivery. To overcome these challenges, organizations need to foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning. This involves providing training and support to teams, encouraging open communication and collaboration, and creating an environment that promotes experimentation and innovation. By embracing a mindset of relentless improvement, organizations can overcome implementation challenges and achieve the desired outcomes of improved scalability, alignment, and adaptability.


SAFe 6.0 marks a significant shift in the world of Scaled Agile Frameworks, emphasizing Lean-Thinking Principles, Core Values Transformation, Quality, Flow, and Role Adjustments. These changes are geared towards enhancing business agility and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. By implementing SAFe 6.0, organizations can streamline value delivery, improve collaboration, and navigate the evolving landscape of agile methodologies effectively. Embracing SAFe 6.0 is not just an upgrade; it’s a strategic move towards achieving operational excellence and staying ahead in today’s dynamic market environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Benefits of Upgrading to SAFe 6.0?

Upgrading to SAFe 6.0 offers several benefits, including improved scalability, alignment, and adaptability. Organizations can achieve better business outcomes, increase technical agility, and align their practices with strategic objectives. Upgrading to SAFe 6.0 enables organizations to stay ahead in a rapidly changing business environment and gain a competitive edge.

How Does SAFe 6.0 Differ from Previous Versions?

SAFe 6.0 introduces significant changes compared to previous versions. It includes updates in the big picture, changes in role names such as Solution Architect, and enhancements in portfolio management. These changes improve clarity, alignment, and the overall effectiveness of the framework.