Leading vs Advanced SAFe: Key Differences

Chessboard with Kings and Queens symbolizing Leading and Advanced SAFe against a gradient blue to orange background.

Key Highlights

  • Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master are both valuable certification courses in the SAFe framework.
  • Leading SAFe focuses on teaching individuals how to lead and implement the SAFe framework in an organization, while SAFe Advanced Scrum Master enhances the skills of existing Scrum Masters.
  • The courses have different levels of difficulty and recommended prerequisites.
  • The course content of Leading SAFe covers topics such as Lean-Agile leadership, PI planning, and lean portfolio management, while SAFe Advanced Scrum Master focuses on topics like Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation.
  • Leading SAFe is recommended for aspiring Scrum Masters, while SAFe Advanced Scrum Master is suitable for aspiring Release Train Engineers or existing Scrum Masters.
  • The choice between the two certifications depends on your career goals and level of expertise in the SAFe framework.


In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are seeking ways to become more agile and responsive to market needs. This has led to the widespread adoption of Agile methodologies and frameworks like SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework). SAFe provides a structured approach to scaling Agile practices across an entire organization, promoting collaboration, efficiency, and delivering value to customers.

Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master are two certification courses offered within the SAFe framework. These courses aim to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills to implement and lead Agile transformations in their respective roles. While both courses share a common goal of promoting business agility, there are key differences between Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master that make them suitable for different career paths.

In this blog, we will explore the key highlights, course content, target audience, and career pathways associated with Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master. By understanding these differences, you can make an informed decision about which certification is best suited for your career goals and aspirations.

Understanding SAFe Frameworks

Before diving into the specifics of Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the SAFe framework. SAFe, which stands for Scaled Agile Framework, is a framework that enables organizations to apply Agile principles and practices at scale. It combines lean thinking, Agile principles, and various scaling practices to help organizations deliver value efficiently, consistently, and predictably.

The SAFe framework provides a structured approach to scaling Agile practices across multiple teams, departments, and even entire organizations. It promotes collaboration, alignment, and a mindset of continuous improvement. By adopting SAFe, organizations can achieve business agility and respond effectively to changing market demands.

Introduction to Leading SAFe

Leading SAFe is a certification course designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead and implement the SAFe framework in an organization. The course provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of SAFe, enabling participants to drive Lean-Agile transformations in their organizations.

The Leading SAFe course covers key topics such as Lean-Agile leadership, PI planning, and lean portfolio management. Participants learn how to apply these concepts to foster a culture of agility and innovation within their teams and organizations. The course also emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and the role of leaders in enabling and supporting Agile teams.

By completing the Leading SAFe course and obtaining certification, individuals demonstrate their proficiency in implementing the SAFe framework and their commitment to driving business agility in their organizations.

Exploring Advanced SAFe

SAFe Advanced Scrum Master is a certification course designed for individuals who have already completed the SAFe Scrum Master course and want to enhance their skills as Scrum Masters. The course focuses on advancing the knowledge and capabilities of Scrum Masters in the SAFe framework.

In the SAFe Advanced Scrum Master course, participants learn advanced topics such as Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation. They gain insights into how to apply these concepts to optimize the flow of value and maximize business outcomes. The course also covers topics like DevOps, Lean thinking, and continuous improvement, enabling participants to become effective agents of change within their organizations.

By completing the SAFe Advanced Scrum Master course and obtaining certification, individuals demonstrate their expertise in leading Agile teams and their ability to drive continuous improvement and deliver value effectively.

Key Differences Between Leading and Advanced SAFe

While both Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master are valuable certifications within the SAFe framework, there are key differences that set them apart.

One of the main differences is the level of difficulty. Leading SAFe is considered a foundational course and is suitable for individuals who are new to Agile practices and the SAFe framework. It provides a comprehensive overview of the SAFe principles and practices, equipping participants with the knowledge to implement SAFe in their organizations.

On the other hand, SAFe Advanced Scrum Master is an intermediate-level course designed for individuals who have already completed the SAFe Scrum Master course and have practical experience as Scrum Masters. It builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in the SAFe Scrum Master course and focuses on enhancing the skills and capabilities of Scrum Masters in the SAFe framework.

Another key difference is the focus areas and objectives of the two certifications. Leading SAFe emphasizes Lean-Agile leadership, PI planning, and lean portfolio management, while SAFe Advanced Scrum Master focuses on advanced topics such as Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation. These differences reflect the different roles and responsibilities of individuals in leading Agile transformations and optimizing the flow of value in organizations.

Focus Areas and Objectives

The focus areas and objectives of Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master highlight the specific skills and knowledge that participants will gain from each certification.

Leading SAFe:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of Lean-Agile leadership principles and practices
  • Learn how to facilitate PI planning and manage lean portfolio management
  • Drive business outcomes and improve product development processes
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the organization

SAFe Advanced Scrum Master:

  • Enhance facilitation skills for advanced team collaboration and decision-making
  • Apply Kanban, Agile architecture, and DevOps practices to optimize the flow of value
  • Lead Agile teams in implementing Lean principles and maximizing business outcomes
  • Drive continuous improvement and effective problem-solving within the organization

By focusing on these specific areas and objectives, participants can acquire the necessary skills to excel in their roles as leaders or Scrum Masters within the SAFe framework.

Target Audience

The target audience for Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certifications varies based on the specific roles and responsibilities within the SAFe framework.

Leading SAFe is recommended for individuals who aspire to become Agile leaders, change agents, or executives involved in leading Agile transformations within their organizations. This includes roles such as:

  • Scrum Masters
  • Product Owners
  • Release Train Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Agile Coaches
  • Consultants

SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, on the other hand, is suitable for individuals who have already completed the SAFe Scrum Master course and have practical experience as Scrum Masters. The certification is ideal for:

  • Aspiring Release Train Engineers
  • Existing Scrum Masters looking to enhance their skills and knowledge
  • Senior Managers involved in Agile transformations
  • Individuals seeking career advancement in Agile leadership roles

By targeting these specific audiences, Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certifications provide individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their respective roles within the SAFe framework.

The Evolution Path: From Leading to Advanced

The progression from Leading SAFe to SAFe Advanced Scrum Master represents an evolution in skills and knowledge within the SAFe framework.

Leading SAFe provides individuals with a foundational understanding of the SAFe principles and practices, enabling them to lead and implement Agile transformations. It equips participants with the knowledge to drive Lean-Agile leadership, facilitate PI planning, and manage lean portfolio management.

Once individuals have completed Leading SAFe and gained practical experience in implementing Agile transformations, they can further enhance their skills by pursuing SAFe Advanced Scrum Master. This certification focuses on advanced topics such as Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation, enabling individuals to optimize the flow of value, drive continuous improvement, and lead Agile teams effectively.

By progressing from Leading SAFe to SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, individuals can expand their expertise in the SAFe framework and evolve their careers in Agile coaching, Agile release train management, and continuous flow optimization.

Why Start with Leading SAFe?

Starting with Leading SAFe is recommended for individuals who are new to Agile practices and the SAFe framework. The certification provides a comprehensive overview of the SAFe principles and practices, equipping participants with the foundational knowledge to lead and implement Agile transformations.

By starting with Leading SAFe, individuals can:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of Agile principles and practices
  • Learn how to lead Agile teams and implement SAFe in their organizations
  • Develop the necessary skills to drive Lean-Agile leadership and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement
  • Lay the foundation for further career advancement in Agile coaching, Agile release train management, and other Agile leadership roles
  • Enhance their marketability and career prospects by obtaining a recognized Agile certification

Starting with Leading SAFe sets individuals on a path towards becoming Agile leaders and change agents, with the skills and mindset necessary to drive successful Agile transformations.

When to Transition to Advanced SAFe

Transitioning to SAFe Advanced Scrum Master is recommended for individuals who have already completed the SAFe Scrum Master course and have practical experience as Scrum Masters. The certification builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in the SAFe Scrum Master course and focuses on enhancing the skills and capabilities of Scrum Masters in the SAFe framework.

Individuals should consider transitioning to SAFe Advanced Scrum Master when:

  • They have gained practical experience as Scrum Masters and want to further enhance their skills and knowledge in the SAFe framework
  • They are seeking career advancement in Agile leadership roles such as Release Train Engineers or senior managers
  • They want to deepen their understanding of advanced topics such as Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation
  • They are committed to continuous learning and improvement in their Agile practices

Transitioning to SAFe Advanced Scrum Master allows individuals to expand their expertise and take on more complex and challenging roles within the SAFe framework, furthering their professional growth and career prospects.

Course Content Comparison

The course content of Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master differs based on the specific objectives and focus areas of each certification.

Leading SAFe covers topics such as Lean-Agile leadership, PI planning, and lean portfolio management. Participants learn concepts and practices related to backlog refinement, iteration planning, and other Agile ceremonies. The course introduces them to new concepts and frameworks within the SAFe framework.

SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, on the other hand, focuses on advanced topics such as Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation. Participants learn how to optimize backlog refinement and iteration planning processes, as well as incorporate new concepts and frameworks to maximize business outcomes.

By comparing the course content of Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, individuals can determine which certification aligns better with their specific career goals and areas of interest within the SAFe framework.

Core Components of Leading SAFe

The core components of Leading SAFe certification cover a range of topics and skills necessary to implement the SAFe framework and lead Agile transformations. These include:

  • Safe Scrum Master Certification: Participants gain certification as a SAFe Scrum Master, demonstrating their proficiency in the SAFe framework and Agile practices.
  • Safe Enterprise: Understanding the principles and practices of the SAFe framework at an enterprise level, including lean portfolio management and enterprise agility.
  • Team Members: Building effective Agile teams and fostering a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement, and high performance.

By focusing on these core components, Leading SAFe equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead Agile transformations and drive business agility in their organizations.

Advanced Topics in Advanced SAFe

The SAFe Advanced Scrum Master course delves into advanced topics and skills that enable Scrum Masters to excel in their roles and optimize the flow of value within Agile teams. These topics include:

  • Program Increment: Understanding the importance of program increment planning and execution in delivering value to customers and stakeholders.
  • Customer Feedback: Incorporating customer feedback and input into product development processes to enhance customer satisfaction and drive continuous improvement.
  • Advanced Scrum Master: Advancing the capabilities of Scrum Masters in facilitating team collaboration, resolving impediments, and driving effective problem-solving.

The text table provides detailed information on topics covered in the SAFe Advanced Scrum Master course, including the importance of each topic and its relevance to Scrum Masters in the SAFe framework.



Program Increment

Crucial for aligning teams and delivering value consistently

Customer Feedback

Essential for meeting customer needs and driving continuous improvement

Advanced Scrum Master

Vital for facilitating team collaboration and resolving impediments

By focusing on these advanced topics, SAFe Advanced Scrum Master equips Scrum Masters with the skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and drive continuous improvement within Agile teams.

Certification Process and Requirements

The certification process and requirements for both Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master involve completing the respective training courses and passing the certification exams.

For Leading SAFe, individuals must complete the Leading SAFe course and pass the certification exam. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions that assess the participant’s understanding of the SAFe framework and their ability to apply its principles and practices.

Similarly, for SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, individuals must complete the SAFe Advanced Scrum Master course and pass the certification exam. The exam evaluates the participant’s knowledge of advanced Agile concepts and their ability to apply them in the SAFe framework.

By successfully completing the courses and exams, individuals demonstrate their proficiency in the SAFe framework and their commitment to continuous learning and improvement in Agile practices.

Exam Format for Leading SAFe

The exam format for Leading SAFe certification consists of multiple-choice questions that assess the participant’s understanding of the SAFe framework and their ability to apply its principles and practices. The exam is conducted online and accessed through the SAFe community platform.

The exam includes questions related to various aspects of Leading SAFe, such as Lean-Agile leadership, PI planning, and lean portfolio management. Participants are required to select the correct answer from multiple options provided for each question.

To pass the Leading SAFe exam and obtain certification, participants must achieve a minimum passing score. The exam duration is typically 90 minutes, and participants are required to complete the exam within the allotted time.

By preparing for the exam and demonstrating their understanding of the SAFe framework, participants can obtain certification as a Leading SAFe professional and validate their knowledge and skills in implementing Agile transformations.

Exam Format for Advanced SAFe

The exam format for SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certification is similar to Leading SAFe certification. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions that assess the participant’s knowledge of advanced Agile concepts and their ability to apply them in the SAFe framework. The exam is conducted online and accessed through the SAFe community platform.

The exam includes questions related to advanced topics covered in the SAFe Advanced Scrum Master course, such as Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation. Participants must select the correct answer from multiple options provided for each question.

To pass the SAFe Advanced Scrum Master exam and obtain certification, participants must achieve a minimum passing score. The exam duration is typically 90 minutes, and participants must complete the exam within the allotted time.

By successfully passing the exam, participants demonstrate their proficiency in advanced Agile concepts and their ability to apply them as SAFe Advanced Scrum Masters.

Career Pathways and Opportunities

Earning certifications in Leading SAFe and SAFe Advanced Scrum Master opens up various career pathways and opportunities within the Agile and SAFe domains. These certifications validate individuals’ knowledge and skills in implementing Agile transformations and leading Agile teams.

For individuals certified in Leading SAFe, career pathways include roles such as:

  • Scrum Master
  • Business Analyst
  • Agile Coach
  • Project Manager

For individuals certified in SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, career pathways include roles such as:

  • Release Train Engineer
  • Product Owner
  • Lean Portfolio Manager
  • Senior Manager
  • Agile Coach

These certifications enhance individuals’ marketability and open doors to exciting career opportunities in organizations that embrace Agile practices and the SAFe framework. Individuals with practical work experience in Agile roles are particularly well-positioned to pursue these career pathways.

Job Roles Suited for Leading SAFe Certified Professionals

Leading SAFe certification is well-suited for professionals aspiring to roles that involve leading and implementing Agile transformations within their organizations. Job roles that are particularly suitable for Leading SAFe certified professionals include:

  • Scrum Master: Leading SAFe certification equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively lead Agile teams and facilitate Scrum-related events.
  • Project Manager: Leading SAFe certification provides project managers with the tools and techniques to drive Agile transformations and ensure successful project delivery.
  • Agile Coach: Leading SAFe certification enables individuals to become effective Agile coaches, guiding teams and organizations through Agile transformations and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

By obtaining Leading SAFe certification, professionals can enhance their career prospects and excel in roles that require leadership and implementation of Agile practices.

Job Roles Suited for Advanced SAFe Certified Professionals

SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certification opens up various job roles and opportunities for professionals with advanced Agile skills. Job roles that are particularly suited for SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certified professionals include:

  • Release Train Engineer: SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certification equips professionals with the skills and knowledge to effectively lead Agile release trains and optimize the flow of value in organizations.
  • Product Owner: SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certification enhances the capabilities of professionals in product ownership, enabling them to maximize business outcomes and deliver value to customers.
  • Lean Portfolio Management: SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certification provides professionals with the skills to effectively manage lean portfolios and align Agile initiatives with business goals.

By obtaining SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certification, professionals can advance their careers in roles that require advanced Agile skills and expertise, and contribute to the success of Agile transformations within their organizations.


In summary, understanding the differences between Leading SAFe and Advanced SAFe is crucial for professionals looking to enhance their skills in Agile frameworks. Leading SAFe focuses on foundational principles, while Advanced SAFe delves deeper into complex topics, catering to different target audiences. Knowing when to transition from Leading to Advanced SAFe depends on your career goals and level of expertise. Both certifications offer unique career pathways and opportunities tailored to your skill set. By grasping the evolution path from Leading to Advanced SAFe, you can strategically position yourself in the Agile market and propel your career towards success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should opt for Leading SAFe certification?

Leading SAFe certification is suitable for individuals who aspire to lead Agile transformations and implement the SAFe framework in their organizations. This includes Scrum Masters, Project Managers, Agile Coaches, and other professionals involved in Agile initiatives. The certification equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to drive business agility and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

What makes Advanced SAFe different from Leading SAFe?

Advanced SAFe, also known as SAFe Advanced Scrum Master, is an intermediate-level certification designed for professionals who have completed the SAFe Scrum Master course. It focuses on advanced topics such as Kanban, Agile architecture, and advanced team facilitation, enabling professionals to optimize the flow of value and drive continuous improvement within Agile teams.

How does one transition from Leading to Advanced SAFe?

To transition from Leading SAFe to Advanced SAFe, professionals should complete the SAFe Scrum Master course and gain practical experience as Scrum Masters. This will provide the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to pursue the SAFe Advanced Scrum Master certification and enhance their expertise in Agile coaching, continuous flow, and driving optimal value delivery within Agile teams.