Are you tired of numerous tasks or projects running simultaneously? Are you able to meet your project deadlines at all times? Consequently, you must consider using Trello Kanban boards to visualise your project properly.

Trello would prove an effective project management solution for keeping track of your tasks in an easily visible, straightforward manner. On the other hand, lean manufacturing originated kanban boards which became popular among teams of development software. Combining these two creates a great framework for project management.

Trello Kanban Boards: How to get started

Hence, how do we get a grip on the Trello Kanban board and use it efficiently? Let’s dive in!

1. Start with a clear project structure:

It would be good if you drew how your project should look like a few minutes before you start using Trello Break this activity into small subtasks and ensure all dependencies among them are identified. This will help you organize your boards well on Trello.

2. Create a board for each project:

In Trello, you use as many boards as many of your projects or fields. Differentiating them in such a way will help avoid any confusion. For instance, there can be a poster concerning what one works on personally, task-related projects etc.

3. Use lists to represent project stages:

Each phase of the project is represented by different lists in Trello. One of the examples could be a list like “to do”, “in progress”, “review” or “completed”. It will help one to spot any delays as well will help him/her to know what is going on now.

4. Utilize labels and tags:

Trello also allows you to label your various issues using tags or labels to facilitate the categorization and ranking of different issues. Likewise, you may use labels such as “high priority,” “urgent” or “marketing” for the relevant tasks. This is how you can identify essential assignments that need to be taken care of.

5. Assign tasks to team members:

For example, Trello allows assigning a task to each employee if there is any cooperation within the team. Thus, this will allow you to share the load among others so that people can understand what they should do. Furthermore, with the @-mentioning feature, one can notify different members of a particular task or inform them about an update.

6. Set due dates and reminders:

You should also be mindful about including due dates in Trello to stay on track. Additionally, you can take advantage of time reminders, which can be set, to allow them to go off as the deadline approaches. This will help you have a systematic approach to carrying out the work and some issues will not go unnoticed.

7. Customize your board layout:

Trello is a versatile platform that allows easy rearrangement of the board to suit the kind of style you desire for your board. Make your to-do lists suit you by changing the background colour, and adding custom labels or custom-made lists to match your workflow. Keep experimenting with different designs until you find a particular one that works best for you.

8. Integrate with other tools:

Some of the programs that Trello integrates include Google Drive, Slack and Dropbox. Utilize the integrations to streamline your task sequence if possible to avoid shuffling between several platforms. File attachment from Google Drive and you will be notified through Slack when one task is done.

Understanding this will enable you to mentalize your projects and arrange them on a Trello Kanban board. Make sure you start by structuring your project in an organized manner, having different sections for each project, utilizing lists to describe various phases of a project, labelling and tagging, assigning responsibilities to co-workers, setting up deadlines, reminders, individualized dashboard layout, Employing these rules will turn you into an ultimate Trello expert.